Friday, September 09, 2011

Whack and Hack. Tell me if I am wrong, but with that game you take the lowest and highest of the 4 scores each team makes per hole. For example 4,5,6,7 are made and you take the 4 and 7 for a team score of 11. **Unless there is a birdie, then you take the birdie and the next best lowerst score. Ex. 3(which is a birdie),5,6,7. Your team score is 8. That's 3 less points. The premium is on making birdies.
You and Rich are the only ones who have played that, so we'll run that by the rest of the group for an opinion.

14 is correct for the 2nd pic but what about the 1st one?

Now we're getting into some serious BLOGGING going. DAWG where are you?

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